Tuesday, January 13, 2009

isn't it grand?

i'm still dying over spring awakening. the soundtrack has ben on repeat for the last two days.
and i probably know almost all the words now. dear lord.

but nowwwwww i have even more ear candy ... that being the long awaited **~GRAND~** ... matt and kim's new album!
i was a little hesitant to listen to it at first because it's obviously not out yet.
it leaked on the interwebs ... i figured, a download won't hurt as long as i buy it on the 22nd.
so i listened to it. four times already. it's fantastic.

i was afraid that it would sound different from their previous material considering they just got signed to a new label, but it was recorded in matt's bedroom, so you can't expect clean studio quality. and by no means do i WANT clean studio quality. the rough edges are what i love about matt and kim's music. it's not overproduced at all. it was the perfect way to follow up on their self-titled release. hand claps, exciting synths, a melodica!? OH MY GOSH!
i was so happy to finally hear the new songs that i'd been hearing them play since 2007 on recording.
it gave me that feeling like "ohh...that's this song!" i love that! haha.
"cutdown" is that song i've referred to as the "5-4-3-2-1 song" for the past year and a half. so good, and "cinders" is the super fast song where matt goes crazy and sticks his leg out.
"don't slow down" and "i'll take us home" are probably my two favorite tracks right now.
i'm sure that'll change over time, but they're the two that are really sticking in my head at the moment.

their album release show next thursday will be epic (i still have yet to hear who these "special guests" are), despite the fact that i have my history midterm the day after :o
whatevz, i'll be fine.

in other news, kid sister's show at bowery got postponed ONCE AGAIN!
this is the 50 billionth time, basically.
but it's definitely because she's totally pregnant.
or at least i think she is.
i mean, do i have to show you?? i think i do.
did anyone else notice her baby bump at the woodie awards?
the only pictures mtvu posted of her on the website are from the boobs up...not showing her tummy. peculiar.


now, don't tell me you CAN'T see that!!

when i first thought she was pregnant, it was mid november. she looked about two or three months in. so in theory, by the end of april, it will have been 9 months and that baby will be out, and she'll be able to throw her baby into a-trak's arms and play that goddamn show!
hopefully this won't affect the release date of the album which is SUPPOSED to come out on the 27th ... 2 weeks from this thursday.

oh wait, wtf ... so as i was writing this blog, i came across some information.
it's now set to drop in march! FLIPPIN MARCH! WHAT THE HELL?? I'M SO UPSET!

i've been waiting for this album for ... forever, and it has been postponed three four times.
kid sister, why are you so unreliable?
really now?
i'm becoming far too impatient for this.
apparently it's already available in europe, and you can purchase the import on amazon, but i can't find a leak of it ANYWHERE.
anyone got one?

ANYWAYZZZZZZZZ ... further along the line, on february 7th, as i've mentioned many times already, beirut is playing at bam.
it will be magnificent. i haven't seen him since september 2007, and all this talk in U.S. History II about gulags, cherbourg, rhineland, and beirut the country is making me crazy!
i want beirut nowww!

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