Friday, July 17, 2009

fallin' behind!

and i have issues typing today considering it took me about 6 tries to type the title correctly.
i've had nothing but hand cramps all week from my new five string bass.
but anyways, i saw Man Man last night for free at the East River Park band shell.
the first band was less than notable, but of course, Man Man brought it.

even if you're not a listener of the band, their live show is a must, for sure.
they played for over an hour and a half, and though for some of the set it seemed as if they were losing their usual energy, they brought it back up for the encore. but i couldn't blame them for being tired or too hot to jump around, it was kind of sweltering outside.

oh, and my favorite favorite security from the m&k show last week were there too.
they gave me dirty looks.

click here for more photos!

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